18th October 2024

Search Bitteswell with Bittesby Parish Council

Serving the people of Bitteswell with Bittesby

The charity's principal activities continue to be for the general benefit of the inhabitants of Bitteswell.

The main United Charities scheme was drawn up in 1977 by the Charity Commission to amalgamate three old
endowments (from John Harrison, 1782; Jane Crisp, 1790; John Day, 1800) plus a more substantial trust left by the 16th century vicar Robert Dowse. The 3 smaller funds are largely exhausted, but the latter provides income from field and cottage rents.

In addition, there is also a more recent endowment from Jim & Amy Deacon, who in 1988 left the proceeds of their house sale for investment, generating an income flow.

The funds help support social, educational and welfare activities, including the church, village hall, the WI, the primary school, people going on to further, higher and adult education, the village newsletter and a regular taxi service for those needing help to travel in medical and other emergencies. United Charities also contributes to celebratory events

The charities are administered collectively by nine Trustees.

Last updated: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 10:24