18th October 2024

Search Bitteswell with Bittesby Parish Council

Serving the people of Bitteswell with Bittesby

What is Open Data?

We are committed to publishing as much information and data as we can, free of charge. This Open Data area has been created to help us to:

  • Increase openness and transparency.
  • Make the data we hold freely available online (subject to the Data Protection Act).
  • Encourage the public to interact with and use the data that is available.
  • Publish data in a machine readable format so that it can be re-used.

We publish various categories of information for you to download and reuse in line with the conditions laid out in the Open Government Licence. Details about this licence, which contain implications for users of our data, and other background information can be found here.

Categories of Information

  • The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply from 25 May 2018, when it supersedes the UK Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). Significant and wide-reaching in scope, the new law brings a 21st century approach to data protection.

Transparency code for smaller authorities

Under the Transparency code for Smaller Authorities, Parish and Town Councils with a turnover of £25,000 or less are required to publish the following data:

Smaller authorities should publish:
a. all items of expenditure above £100
b. end of year accounts
c. annual governance statement
d. internal audit report
e. list of councillor or member responsibilities
f. the details of public land and building assets
g. Minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings

Last updated: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 08:51